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SEO plays an important role in traffic achievement online on YouTube. On the YouTube Numbers of videos are uploaded in a day. So, it is really very hard to stamp your existence at the top outcome on this wide video platform. For this issue, only YouTube SEO will keep you side way from the crowd. Firstly, we should have the basic knowledge of YouTube SEO that helps to have excellent start with SEO.
By appropriate use of available tools for video optimization, you will get more views for your videos with wider audience and have good rank for Google searches. There are some tactics that will help you for higher traffic on YouTube platform.

Video Format

First thing you should keep in your mind while uploading your video in that format which is easily accepted by YouTube. The video length should be under the 12 to 15 minutes and not go above 15 minutes. Before uploading, make sure that video you are going to upload must have good quality & sound too. The quality of video is very important when you are advertising on YouTube platform. Compose your video interesting to viewer to enhance your view ranking that is totally depends upon the quality of video and video length.

Choose Right Title and Description to Channel

Throughout the uploading video, you must choose right title along with description concerning the video. So, keep in mind about the purpose and the category of video should take in the words that searched by the users are appropriate to video. Try to choose short description about video that it can easily understandable to viewer. Some guidelines while choosing tags and description are:

  • The Title should be applicable.
  • Title should be containing good quality keywords.
  • Description should be ordered in correct ways that will definitely matters the result of your videos.
  • Description should include with link and keywords to other contents.

Make Use of Keyword Search Services

Keywords play significant role in your videos. So, choose little research keyword that is mostly used for search engine according to relevancy and use these keywords in tags and descriptions of videos.

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Use Tags, Annotations, Playlists and Thumbnails

You should customize thumbnails along with significant pictures. With keywords you should optimize your tags that uploaded to your YouTube channel. By creating playlists for public helps better understand your video. Optimize the annotations and involve better call to events that link to your home page.

  • Tags should be created up to 12 to 15 for your videos.
  • Tags should be integrated with keywords that are use in video title.
  • Optimize your video with call to actions, annotations for audience attention.
  • Provide links to viewer for your other videos on YouTube channel.
  • With attractive keywords optimize annotations.
  • On to the text boxes use annotations overlay.
  • For the longer videos make quick preview for viewer.

Promote Your Youtube Channel

Promotion of the Youtube channel is plays important role in your videos. By starting conversation with the viewers and reply their queries and doubts. You can also promote your YouTube channel through other social media community sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The sites like Vimeo and Daily motion also helps to rank better on search engine. Try to use optimized keywords and post to other social media sites also to get same result of video for viewer to make them click to your video.

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Benefits to promote your YouTube video, such as:

  • Increase in traffic by means of extra resources
  • Increase of authority to your brand
  • Brand awareness development
  • Back linking benefits