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Hey everybody today I am here to talk about the 50 most important Google, and SEO ranking factors, perhaps you know that to rank a site Google adopt 200 factors that no one committed to exactly. I will talk about some important factor that will help you to figure why your site is not ranked on the Google.


Need to know about these factors

We all know that the internet users are expanding very rapidly. Presently, more that 4 billion people use the internet and over the 300 millions websites are launch per year. It’s really sounds incredible, that means there is too much struggle to get your site on top on the Google. You need to do work hard. Let’s talk about the important factors which help to grab you ample of traffic to your site.

50 Most Important Google Ranking Factors

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Domain authority

To gross sites like Facebook domain jurisdiction is 100 out of 100 that’s stunning, but it’s really hard to get 100 out of 100.

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Supposing that, your blog credit higher than 40 at the moment that is good. You can check out the authorization of your website from this

Keyword in Domain name

Containing Keyword in your domain name will lease you a specific and positive indication just as has mktech as keyword in the URL.

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Domain Age

The domain age is perfectly matters for Google to rank your website. For example, if you have 5 months old domain but your competitor has a 3 month old domain, then you will get better ranking in Google Search Engine.

Top Level Domain name

Bing and Google the two search engines who use domain level factors and putrid (rank) top domain elevation. Paradigm is, the domain names are .net .org and .com will get superior ratings in international Searches.

Country level Domain Name

Generally country level domain name use for business just as,, or more country level domains. It leases them preferable ranking in their country searches like (.in) will grab more haphazard in India.

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Domain History

Alike every search engine uses a domain history. Means you have a domain which was getting Digital Millennium copyright act complaint and any other amends in the past this will also lead you to low ranking, anyway domain trust is must to get high ranking in Google.

Keyword in Title Tag

To enhance your blog ranking, you must have a keyword in your site’s title tag.

Keyword in your post Link URL

It’ll be help you to get in top ranking with that keyword in the Google Search engine.

Keywords in publish first 100 words

Google always checks out first paragraph very deeply so it is must have the keyword in your first 100 words to enhance your ranking.

Keyword in Post Meta Description

This is also most important factor which helps to increase your ranking. So must have the keyword in your Meta description.

Keyword Stuffing

Do not repeat the single word again and again. It is meant to be that the word you are revising consecutively is keyword stuffing that Google hates very much and leads you to with low rankings.

Content Length

If you write more words in your Post, it describes deeply about content that you have written that’s why Google use this factor. Must write more than 2000 words, this is also a way to get ranking in first page.

Page Loading Speed

You can’t even imagine that how much rush will be increased by enhancing your blog speed. This sort of sites Google loves very much.

Duplicate Content

Most of the named search engine Like Google, Bing yahoo etc. doesn’t like duplicate content and you will never get traffic to your website.

Duplicate Meta Description

Google factually says that create forevermore different description to get sky-high ranking. Even your Post is amazing but still it would be decrease ranking.

Page loading Speed in Chrome

Each and every user uses the Google chrome because it is the fastest browser rather than the rest of the browser. Google take it, deliberately if your site loading gets down.

Alt attributes Tag in images

It helps to provide right keywords about your blog image. ALT tag helps to indicate your blog image of your post.

Site updates

Update your sites daily or at least twice in a week.

Outbound Link Quality

It’s also helped to figure individuality of your post. Google loves those sites too who have better outbound links like MSN and CNN.

Quality Internal Links

It helps you to indicate and gets your website ranking high your entire blog pages respectively.

Grammar Mistake

Always create user friendly posts excluding Grammar mistakes because people get pissed from grammar mistake which doesn’t make any sense. It’s also getting down toward low ranking.

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Multimedia in Post

Insert Videos, Images, Graphical information and other Media in your site. Google loves these components and components also help to rank high in Google search.

User Engagement

Get the user interest is very necessary toward your post and sites. Because search engines always take quality for the high rank. Means user found some fruitful information from your site.

Affiliate Links

You should maximum two affiliate links in each post because Google considers it irrelevant.

Post URL Links

Post URL links and URL links would be short not long.

XML Site Map

Google consider, it is the best way to submit your site on your web master tools and also hand with you to figure all your posts of website.

User Friendly Layout

Sites should be user friendly which can be navigating easy. Google considers this very much relevant.

Domain Trust Rank

Always use Google and Moz to get domain trust rank. It helps you to get high you rank too.

Number of pages

It is also a factor, but not that much important.

SSL Certificate

It shows that your blog site is entirely secure. Google invariably likes those sites which take care about their user privacy.


The sites which are on https rather than http, Google gives a more preference to these sites are on http.

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Mobile Friendly

This is an ultimate and necessary factor for mobile users. Today’s Google only shows mobile friendly sites to Smartphone mobile users search in Google search.

Backlinks Domain age

It is also like domain age. Backlinks from old blogs are more powerful than new Backlinks domain more powerfully becomes high rank.

Backlinks ltd

As per as my opinion is concerned, I think it’s not an important factor into the importance of website. Google doesn’t rank the site with domain name having ltd.

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Backlinks from competitors

This is a magnificent dynamic factor which gives insistent breakthrough in organic traffic from search engines.

Natural Backlinks

The most powerful factor amongst all Backlinks factors is increasing ranking of your website in just a couple of days.

Backlinks from Bad Neighbors

Backlinks from bad neighbors are very much irrelevant and fruitless factor for any blog and might be it obliged you to get a penalty.

Do-follow Backlinks

Do-follow helps to enhance your Ranking in entire search engines.

N-follow Backlinks

This factor usually helps you to increase your domain authority and Link’s quality but not your ranking.

Guest Post Links

It is amiable manners to grab a quality of do-follow Backlinks to your blog.

Broken links

Enormous Broken links will lead you to get down in ranking in all search engines and could be cases of penalty or fine.

Selling Links

Too many affiliate links or Sell links are very much resentment (hate) by a Google.

DMCA Complaints

Which blogs have DMCA complaints, Google never rank those blog sites.

Social Signals

Google also uses the Social signals to rank your site from most named websites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, etc. Social signals also give no-follow links. Hence, here is the best way to increase the traffic.

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Bookmark in Google Chrome

May be all of you know that Google uses chrome data to increase your search. Or whenever anyone bookmark in your website in chrome it indicates to Google that your site having qualitative content.

Dmoz listed

Google’s top trusted websites directory is Dmoz. Because it’s check all website manually. This is the reason that Google very much trusted sites has listed in Dmoz.

Google plus

Google utilizes Google+ to rank your site, but it’s all depends on your post quality.

Adult content or illegal words

Do not use adult content and illegal content like hacking, gasping, gawk and moron. Google will not be ranked the sites contain illegal words like this.
So these are the 50 most important Google ranking Factors which relevantly help us to rank high and helps to get more traffic to your website.