Online Marketing Expert

Are you looking to build better backlinks for your website? Then posting on forums is an interesting, trusted, & easy way to do that. Forum postings can create better visibility of your backlinks & increase traffic.


Forums posting is a striking Off-Page SEO technique that helps you in boosting your web traffic and website backlinks. Forums are generally comprised of discussion groups, message boards, discussion forums, bulletin boards, etc. It is an excellent platform to commune with others in the same fields that help in increasing your awareness in the emergent market. A great number of good community forums are present on the internet that can simply help you to learn & discuss countless new things.

Forum Submissions Etiquettes:

Do’s and Don’ts

You must be watchful regarding certain things while posting on these forums. Here are a number of guidelines that can help you to use these forums productively and constructively:

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Be Original

Forum posts should always contain original content & does not contain extensive quotes from other resources. Posting any content plagiarized from other websites, emails, reviews, or printed materials are strictly prohibited and will be removed. All these activities can block you from being a member of the forum.

Stay on Topic

Keep your forum posts relevant & useful to others. Always stick to your subject to be credible. Don’t include smear campaigns, personally insulting language, or any personal views about ethical, political, religious, or wider social issues. Keep in mind that other are reading your posts for planning and research, not for reviews of your familiarity with a particular business. Any queries regarding long-term rentals, real estate purchases, or solicitations will be removed.

Focus on Words

Be wary with the language. Help others to get the most of your post by using the forum language in which you are posting on. Don’t use excessive ALL CAPS, HTML tags, or slang or emoticons. Please post in the appropriate forum only once, any content that is posted several times will be removed. Never use offensive language or words. Write with respect for every associate on the forum.

NO Spamming

Strictly avoid spam; otherwise you can be suspended from the forum.

No Direct Promotion

Don’t use forums as solely a marketing tool. Direct marketing is strictly prohibited on the forums. Posts will be removed from forums that are being presented in exchange for individual gain, for instance services, gifts, or money. Forum posting sites reserve the right to eliminate specific content or any URL for any reason. Links to external websites that are not relevant to the topic for instance personal blogs or hotel websites entirely for promotional intentions will be removed. Survey requests, requests for research, polls, as well as any spam will also be removed.


Limit your comments to considerate & gracious language at all times to maintain a safe, family-friendly environment on the forums posting sites. Any posts that include hate-speech, sexually explicit comments, calls for boycott of any destination or business, prejudiced remarks, profanity, or threats will be removed. Forums posting sites also eliminate posts that describe or advocate participation in any illegal activities, containing graphic descriptions of injuries, death, or violent criminal acts.

Online Marketing Expert

Advantages of Posting on Forums:

Following are the numerous benefits of forums & the ways to use these forums for your growth & expansion.


You can build credibility for your business, service, or ideas by participating in a forum regularly & using indirect marketing techniques as people believe other people’s words more than direct advertising.

Develop Connections

It allows you to build up connections with people who have alike interests or who feel strongly regarding the issues that are close to your heart. You can check what issues are being discussed, what is going on in the forum, what are the views and opinions of other members by becoming a member of a forum. You can start a discussion by submitting your own posts or read the posts submitted by members of the forum.


You can find mentors through forums that can give you suggestion on various issues & help you in different circumstances.

Building relationships

With forums you can effortlessly build relationships with your visitors. If you actively discuss on different topics with your forum members or post regularly, then steadily you’ll get to know them and more significantly they’ll get to know you.

To Increase Website Traffic

You can interestingly and easily increase traffic to your website through forums. The members of the forum will keep on coming back to your forum to check what is happening on the forum, if interesting subjects & topics are discussed.

One Way Link

By posting on forums you can get the extra place to generate a link for your own website in the form of signature links. Signature link is allowed by forums after a particular number of posts. The forum member can signature link in his bio that shows at the base of every post.



There are several disadvantages attached to these forums posting. Amount of time & effort required to get them started & maintain is the main disadvantage associated with forums. You have to administer it or moderate it throughout as it’s not just restricted to get people talking. This means making certain that posts are appropriate & members are not spamming your forum. This has to be done on every day basis.