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Brand promotion is that factor of the marketing mix which is designed to remind, inform, influence, and persuade the consumers so that they buy the brands of the advertiser’s company. Brand promotion is persuasive and applied communication used for reminding and informing the customers about the company’s brands.

Objectives of Brand promotion

The chief objectives of brand promotion are:

    • To Promote Information

Information relates to features, prices, special schemes, etc. of the brands. The firm provides the relevant information about its various brands offered in the market.


        • To Differentiate the Product

Brand differentiation is another main objective of brand promotion which means convincing the customers about the unmatchable merits or features of the particular brand. Such differentiation helps to generate Brand Loyalty, which means consumers are faithful to and continue to favor a particular brand.

        • To Increase Demand

Brand promotion efforts are aimed at stimulating demand for a product. They convince customers to buy more and more of the product so as to increase its market share and sales.

        • To Build Brand Equity

Brand equity means the value and power that a brand adds to a product. The usefulness of the brand is emphasized. Status oriented advertisements draw attention to the value of the brand and pride in its ownership. The brand value of a product gives good reason for its higher price in the market.

        • To Stabilize Sales

Cyclical, seasonal and other fluctuations in demand influence sales. Brand promotion efforts are seeking out to stabilize sales by minimizing the impact of such fluctuations. For instance, Nescafe promoted its new brand of iced tea to increase sales during summer.

        • To Counterbalance Competitors’ Marketing Efforts:

In an extremely competitive market, even a well-established brand has to be promoted to keep hold of its market share. For instance, Pepsi and Coca Cola keep on repeating their advertisements for their own brands of soft drinks so as to counterbalance each other’s efforts.

        • To Build Image

Brand promotion is also aimed at building an optimistic image of the company offering its brands in the market. A company can build its goodwill and prestige by offering quality brands at reasonable prices and through satisfactory after-sale service.

Every grand brand comes from great campaigns and great marketing strategy. The identity of a brand should be made noteworthy by earning trust at every point from the customers, over and over again. Brand promotion is imminent to make the most of your market presence and create an image cast of adorable brand.

Here are the effective brand promotion strategies:

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        • Appearance is the key, so look the part

Your brand image is vital, and you must protect it fiercely. Make sure your employees hold your brand image elevated at all times.

Recruit those who reflect your brand image in their personal life and work life that usually starts at recruitment selection. If your brand is vibrant, energetic and fun you would hire someone who is highly sociable and loves to be adventurous.

        • Know your stuff like the back of your hand



You and your team need to know your brand inside and out. Your team must be aware of all the services and products you’re offering to be proficient to impress your customers. The typical customer is more curious and cautious; he wants to know what you can offer and how you are going to improve his life if he buys into your brand. A knowledgeable team will do wonders for your image, and it is unquestionably something your customers will pick up immediately.

You should also know everything about your competitors. A common rule is that your competitors are alike to you in size, market, and image.

        • Be passionate and be ready to deliver



The key to success is that you and your team must live, eat and breathe your brand. Successful companies recognize that passion in the brand drives success that their teams need to distribute all the time. Try to keep your team members passionate, motivated and committed by making things fun for them.

        • Be prepared for the worst

Be prepared for barriers and do everything that you can do to overcome them. Always prepare a back-up plan in case things go wrong to tackle issues as soon as they occur.

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        • Always give your best shot

Make certain you have done everything to promote your brand such as direct marketing, email, mail, online promotions, demos, in-store promotions, social media, etc. Reach out your customers and they will ultimately reach back to you.


If you really want to build your brand, then your customers have to trust you. Once they do, you will gain their trustworthiness as customer service is the key to selling your brand.