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Keyword research is actually a very important & main part of the SEO & the main motive of this blog is to approach keyword research for SEO from its roots & build toward the more technical aspects. First of all we start with the word “Keyword”, SEO keywords are the key words & main phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to locate your site easily via search engines. And keyword research is the practice SEO of identifying phrases & actual search terms that are used to achieve better ranking on search engines when people are looking for information.

There are some steps for keyword research process:

1. First of all make a list of relevant & related search terms what you think people would use these terms to find the information. Put yourself in the place of user & then find the search terms. There are several tools for finding the keywords such as Google AdWords Keyword planner, Bing Ads Keyword planner, HubSpot’s Keyword App, Wordtracker & Keyword Discovery & many more. Take your initial list of search terms & plug them into the free Google Keyword Planner Tool. With the help of these tools you can get the several related keywords with the detail of average monthly searches, just enter your product, website, category, area & then get new ideas.

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2. Once you’ve entered the target search terms, click on the search key to expose a list of related terms & their corresponding monthly traffic volumes. Then select 10 to 15 keywords toward the pinnacle of the listing that you think are most relevant to your website, highest monthly traffic but low or medium competition. Now check for head term, long tail & low volume keywords in your list.

2. Idea

If you don’t know the meaning of these words then let me explain you. Head terms are keywords phrases that are generally shorter & more generic, means directly related to your business, they’re typically just 1 to 3 words in length, depending on your product & business. Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are longer keyword phrases usually containing 1 or 3 words but are generic also. Keep in mind that search terms or keywords should be related to your business.

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3. After getting all the suitable keywords find their allintitle rank on Google. This ranking will tell you the no. of pages that have same keyword in their Title tag. It is a great way to verify how many other sites are also using those keywords. And you should try to choose those keywords whose allintitle come in-between (according to my experience) 1 to 300. These chosen keywords helps you to rank your website on the first SERP’s, it means search engine result pages that comes on the first page when you find something on the search engines. As all we know that people hit on that links that comes first on SERP.

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The whole reason for keyword research is to rank as high as possible for keywords that drive traffic that will help to enhance your business growth. Finding the right set of keywords to target with your SEO efforts is the first & most important step in getting to that very important position at the top of Google, Yahoo & Bing. So make sure to get it right & you will be good on your track of success on the search engines. I’m sure that this keyword research process will provide a good structure & a solid base for your own SEO program because we all the importance of SEO for business. Good luck!