Online Marketing Expert

Today, business has more methods & places than ever to market themselves. But choosing a fine marketing technique, particularly when you are a small or a midsized business with small funds & resources, can be difficult. Small business owners have hard job, long hours & taking risks with the hope of rewards. Happily, there are several tools, applications & software platforms available to help make things easier for people who have a small business.


If you map on keeping your small business, want to get more profits or need to expand in size & scope, these important reliable marketing tools will help you build, manage & guide your business on the way to success.



 OM Expert

Mavenlink is a software & service for project work management, task & resource allocation. Mavenlink is the clear winner for our team because of its strong list of features, wrapping all from running tasks, to tracking time, expenses & projects with clients, sharing & receiving files. It’s basically a wide-ranging project management tool & it combines with Google Apps, which is very useful & helpful. My favorite feature of Mavenlink is that you can assign tasks to other clients, assign a deadline & see when they’ve started & completed task.



Online Marketing Expert

Moz is an SEO tool that’s super easy to use & navigate, used for monitoring, measuring & evaluating the off-site & on-site phase of a website’s SEO level as well as for managing social media accounts. You can see how your keywords are ranking, compare keywords side-by-side to know how they compare against one another & see which search engines are sending traffic to your site all from your control panel.



Web Hosting

Canva is a tool loaded with enough easy-to-use features & functionality that anyone can create an attractive content that gets shared. If you are not a professional graphic designer that doesn’t mean you can’t make beautiful marketing graphics with Canva. Use Canva’s drag-&-drop feature & professional layouts to design stunning graphics. You can use its templates, store everything online & even access stock images to include in your work.



Wordpress Hosting

Piktochart is the easiest way to generate your own infographics without any experience as a graphic designer. Use themed templates to easily create professional grade infographics. Piktochart is an amazing small program that helps you to create credible infographics. It’s user-friendly & one of my favorite online marketing tools, which easy to use & gives effective outcomes

Social Media


Best WordPress Hosting

Now social media become a valuable marketing tool for all kind of business. Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkden, Instagram & etc. are the most suggested social media resources. Use these resources to highlight your business activities, share your content & connect with other professionals. Facebook is one of the most important media for any business to use, especially a small business. You know what Europeans spend one out of every seven minutes on social media to provide the giant opportunities for small business owners to build a relationship with their customers. Social sites are now becoming an online society & people are using them to share content, get feedback & improve customer services.



Best Web Hosting /></center><br />
Are you kind of a list person?  I am, I need lists in my personal as well as professional life I want to list up the important things. Evernote is an app designed for note taking, organizing, & archiving. Evernote lets you take notes, label your notes, sync files across your devices, turn them into reminders, save web pages & share your ideas with friends & colleagues.</p>
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Dropbox is a kind of private cloud storage service, sometimes referred as an online backup service that is regularly used for sharing files & collaboration. Dropbox allows you to store, access your files in the cloud, meaning you can be anywhere & still access a file you need. I like it because it acts like an online server, storing all your files that even includes the really big ones so that all the members of your team can view &/or edit them.

Google Drive/ Google Docs


Top Web Hosting

Dropbox is a kind of private cloud storage service, sometimes referred as an online backup service that is regularly used for sharing files & collaboration. Dropbox allows you to store, access your files in the cloud, meaning you can be anywhere & still access a file you need. I like it because it acts like an online server, storing all your files that even includes the really big ones so that all the members of your team can view &/or edit them.