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For any kind of business, it does not matter with the size, it’s essential for the website that maintains high performance and high security. For a small business, running a website can be a complicated task and time consuming most probably if the business doesn’t have the budget and physical resources to maintain the website. To avoid such problems with the website, most of the small businesses are opting for the dedicated servers.

Dedicated Servers:

Dedicated server hosting is a sort of hosting in which the single server is rented to a website owner or a company. It means that the customer can have complete control of the server. Moreover, all sorts of software and hardware resources of the server are utilized by the customer’s website. This kind of hosting feature has good advantages and it is important for a certain type of business.

A dedicated server is a physical piece of hardware that the hosting provider rents to you. Dedicated server ( has its processor, Random Access Memory (RAM), hard drives and bandwidth capability. Your website and its related software are hosted completely on the dedicated servers hard drives. Dedicated servers will enable you to run and install any kind of program. They also permit alternative users, whom you have given right to access, the flexibility to interact with your dedicated hosting server and use that similar kind of program at the constant time you are doing. This has created dedicated servers very popular among users.

HostingRaja Dedicated Server Price:

Our Dedicated Server Hosting is most compatible for small-scale businesses. Our Dedicated server hosting is more reliable and comes with several features. When you purchase a dedicated server hosting plan from us you’ll be able to avail of a free Hosting Raja Cloud Office which consists of CRM, spreadsheet, emails, presentation, and many more applications. In HostingRaja we offer six different types of dedicated server plans for our customers. You can opt for any of the plans based on your needs.

Small Dedicated Server That implies that there’s high security and they don’t need to share resources with any others. Because there aren’t any users using the server and no need to worry regarding their IPs turning into compromised moreover spam and viruses being sent from others on the server. With the help of a dedicated server, the small business will be beneficial from guaranteed CPU, disk space, RAM, and bandwidth. The results are going to be faster website loading times, faster response time, and much more. Additionally, they will be having the capability to select their preferred operating system ( and other applications.

Your business will require a dedicated server for numerous reasons. Mostly, businesses use dedicated servers because it will be the right choice for huge operations. However, small businesses can also take the benefit of the dedicated server if in case their profits are high. While selecting the hosting services for the business, organizations will mostly select the hosting option that is very close to their financial bracket. A small business can also opt for a dedicated server as in HostingRaja we offer affordable hosting packages for our customers.