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As we all know there are many ways to promote our business like we can let the people know about our business with the help of advertisements on newspaper, T.V radio etc. but the most effective and modern way to promote our business is website related to business in which we are dealing because, no. of people are suffering internet using their mobile phones, tabs and personal computers etc. After designing and developing the website we need to maintain our website so that people can easily search it on search engines.


To maintain the website, basically we do SEO. Search engine optimization is a process to maintain the position of keywords of our website on Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc. We can perform SEO in two ways i.e. Onpage SEO and Offpage SEO.

Onpage SEO includes the tasks like creations and updating Meta tags, Creating and updating site maps and robots file for website, url optimization and Image optimization etc. Image optimization is one of the most important tasks which we perform in onpage SEO. In this pr

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ocess we use to check name of images its title tags and alt tag.

What is Alt Tags?

Alt tags are known as alternative tags of images. The image that we use to update in our website we need to use the appropriate name of the image which can be keyword that we are targeting on the webpage. Alt tags are the alternative name for the image. Basically we use to describe the alternative name of the image that user can be search on search engines as a keywords.

Need of Alt Tags

Search engines cannot see or crawl the images as content so, they will skip your image to crawl but they can easily understand the content we use content with the Image as alternative text that can easily see by search engines and it can be easily crawled. Suppose you are not using the alt tags with the image then you are missing a big opportunity to crawl your content on search engine and you are missing your website’s position on search engine.

Different Ways to Update Alt tag:

We can update alt ta for a image in following ways:

By Using Image Tag: We can update alt tag for the particular image, while we are updating image in html by using the image tag. Here is an example to update the image along with the alt tag.

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Here you can see that alt tag for the image is “ultra-flic”.

By updating image in Media library: We can directly mention the alt tag for the image while we are updating it in media library in different CMS like Wordpres.

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Key Points for Alt Tags:

1) You need to avoid overstuffing of the keywords in alt tags. That means you can use a keyword twice and thrice as an alt tag for image. If you are using it more times then, it would be counted as a spammed.
2) Make sure your robots.txt file allows search engine bot to index the image library of the website.
3) Try to use appropriate image name keep avoiding the dummy name for the image like 001.jpg etc.
4) Try to avoid the use of larger image because it will increase the load time of the website that can increase the bounce rate of your website.
5) Try to use HD images by avoiding the larger and smaller size of images which can distract the users.