Online Marketing Expert

Since the Yoast plugin has been launched, Yoast team is constantly making updates to the plugin with new features and advancements. Last update by Yoast team was Yoast SEO 2.3 version and this time its Yoast SEO 3.0 version that comes with some unique and creative additional features, on which I will describe here comprehensively.

Yoast SEO 3.0 New Features:

The new features in Yoast SEO 3.0 provides you more flexibility and easiness and you feel more comfortable working with it. Let’s elaborate and have a look on these features step by step:

Real Time Snippet Editor:

New version of Yoast now converts snippet review into the snippet editor. You just have to simply click on your snippet and edit as per your demands and requirements and done. There is nothing to worry about!

Indexability Checker:

With this service, Yoast will provide you information about the pages, which has been indexed by the search engine and which are not using onpage SEO software.

Supercharged Categories:

The new version has now a complete support to category and even tags pages. This is because they have included their SEO fields in category and tags pages. You can even make modifications or optimize your each category pages as per your needs and requirements.

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Separate Social Media Snippet Editor:

In the new version of Yoast SEO 3.0, you can add social media snippet editor separately. Currently, this social media section has a support for two platforms Google+ and Facebook. It has now become very easy for you to add and modify descriptions, titles and add images that you want to display on social media.

Online Marketing Expert

This version of Yoast SEO 3.0 has some really cool features. Check these features by yourself and experience the best with it.
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