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SEO is short form of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a process of improves the visibility of a website or a web page on search engines. It is also a methodology of techniques & strategies used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a top-ranking place in the search engine – including Google, Yahoo, Bing & etc.


SEO split up into two categories: – On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO.


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On-Page SEO refers to all the stuff that you can do ON your website to help you rank higher, such as page content, description, title, keywords, body tags, internal linking, image & etc.
Off-Page SEO refers to all the stuff that you can do OFF your website to help you rank higher, such as social networking, social bookmarking, forum & blog marketing, search engine submission & etc.

We will start with on-page techniques:-

1. Page content

Page content is the first & important on-page technique. Good content of your website delivers the right message into the hearts & minds of your customers. The success of your website is depending on its content. Unique, effective & relevant content of the page will enhance the no. of visitors who get your website through search engines. Search engines love good content, especially regularly updated content.

2. Title, description & keywords


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Your page title, descriptions & keywords are the most important SEO factors on your site. Each of your pages & posts should have its own unique title & description which includes the main keywords of that page. The length limit of meta description is max. 160 characters including spaces. Relevant keywords throughout your content helps search engines find out what your content is about. But don’t extremely repeat & overuse keywords only for search engine robots. This can lead to ban your site from search engines.

3. Header tags

The header tags are used to highlight the important part of your content. The highest weighted element is the H1 header, which should be unique, h2, h3 & h4 tags are highlight different main headings, sub-headings & important points. Search engines use these to conclude what is important in your content. Make sure you write keyword rich headings in the array of precedence in H1, H2 & H3 title tags. These heading elements are used to label a page & state what the page is about.

4. Internal linking

In a simple & easy language an internal linking refers to a type of hyperlink or link from a webpage to a new resource or web page, such as an image or document, on the same website or domain. Hyperlinks can be internal or external depending on the target or destination. It provides your audience further reading options. Internal links in articles, as well as in category & tag pages, helps to improve your ranking with certain keywords. It helps Google to crawl the site & index pages more efficiently.

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5. Image SEO

Keyword in image title helps a lot to make your web page more focus & targeted. Now add one or multiple images to your page. Images, when added with a certain reflections, will help understand your content a lot. “A picture is worth a thousand words”.


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Within your content using images is a great way to make your site more visually appealing, attractive & break up boring portions of text. All your uploaded images have titles, so treat them just as your page titles & include relevant keywords to help people find your site when searching on Google Images.

Off-site Techniques:-

1. Social networking sites

Social Networking Media is superior than ever these days! The whole marketing scenario has changed with the introduction of Social Media. You need to join any popular social networking site, like Google plus, Skype, Facebook, Instagram & etc. It helps you to expand your online network contacts with your friends, customers & most importantly helps to endorse your website/blog & build your online reputation. You know what more than half of the internet users (52%) use two or more of the social media sites.

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2. Forum & blog marketing

The aim of forum & blog marketing is to build your online status, establishing trust in the other members, so they will want to do business with you. Forum marketing is popular among fresher because it is free. Time investment is all that is needed. Join some popular forum & blog sites related to your site & get involved within that community. Answer people’s questions, reply to threads, offer advice & post comments with your site’s URL on other blogs which allow you to add a link. This method is known as a forum & blog marketing. These links are to help to increase your site ranking in search engines.

3. Search engine submission

When you are ready with your site then submit it to the search engines, let them know that your website is also exist with huge & vast information content. Search engine submission is a technique to promote a website. Search engines can automatically discover your site online, but that can take some time. To speed up everything, you can also submit your website to the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing & etc.


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Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a great SEO off-page tool that can help you move targeted traffic to your website. It can also improve your social signals & make content easier to share. By bookmarking your content what you are doing is increasing your visibility on search engines & at the same time, improving the chances of being improved ranked.. It is a great method to promote your website. Submit your latest blog posts or pages to the trendy bookmarking sites, like Digg, Stumble Upon & etc. The content on these sites is updated regularly that’s why search engines truly like these kinds of sites & it will help you to improve your rank on search engines.