Online Marketing Expert

Many bloggers wish to earn money with their blog, but because of some mistakes, they can’t able to earn money and quit blogging. But they should not quit their blogging and rather correct their mistakes. Here I am sharing some reasons that can prevent you from making moneywith the blog. 


Bad Looking Design

This is a big mistake that many bloggers make. Believe me, design plays a key role in making your blog popular and successful. A good design provides a good environment to your content and that attracts people. You can solve this problem by choosing best and good quality design for your blog which is not only attractive but also provide comfort to the user to explore your site.


Low Quality Articles

Many bloggers go for quantity when it comes to writing articles rather than quality. Actually, they think that they can make their blog popular by increasing the article quantity but they are wrong. One top and good quality article is much better than ten low quality articles. So, always go for quality not quantity.

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Poor SEO

SEO that is Search Engine Optimization makes your blog a href=””style=”color: blue;”>SEO friendly. If you have optimized your blog for SEO, your blog will get high traffic from the famous search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Google Etc. Also must submit your blog or website to various search engines.

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Bad Navigation

Develop your blog that is easy to navigate by creating categories and sub categories in your blog. This is because if it’s very hard to navigate your blog, then it provides irritation and discomfort to the user which ultimately decrease the traffic. So if your blog has easy navigation, it will help the user to explore your site easily.


Grammar Mistakes

Grammar mistakes make your blog look senseless and it becomes difficult for the user to read the article and understand what you are saying.

Online Marketing Expert