Online Marketing Expert

As we all know that everyone wants to earn money more and more. So, that he or she can enjoy their life with the help of different sources. There are many sources to earn money like if you are well educated then you can work at an organization such as schools, colleges etc.. But in these organizations you can work only for limited hours in a day and can earn limited money. Through this blog I want to share with you how we can make money online whenever we want without any time limit.[ads2]

Blogging is the one of the most important way to warn money online among all the other ways. If you have excellent writing skills by using which you can entertain other and you can gave them some knowledge about different technologies, latest updates etc. then, you can earn money online from $10- $1,00,000. There are some steps by following which you can make money online.

1. Ability to Choose Appropriate Title and collect the material:

First thing you need to keep in your mind is that you must have ability to choose the blog title on which you are going to post a blog. You should write a blog on a topic in which you are interested instead of writing the blog on which you are not interested. You can write a blog on the latest news and on latest technology updating in IT field. You should use the images that are related to the content of blog. So that blog look attractive and well presented. You can search the other blogs that are related to your topic. You need to niche your blog so that no of users come to your blog and read it. You need to read the blog that have high ranking in Google, Most recent comments and at least 20,000 viewers of the blog. Try to use the heading and sub headings in you blog.

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2. Consider a free blogging services or host your own blog:

I. Some people want to earn money by posting their blog on other hosting services like and Google Blogger etc. By using the other blogging service how can you earn enough money from your blog however if you really want to post blog on these hosting services because of lack of money you need to work under their terms and conditions and limitations.

    • don’t support the more advertisement, PayPal links for your blog. This will host the blog which have third party ad services, banners ad etc.
    • Google Blogger supports advertising through the Google AdSense, PayPal links etc. If you are fail to add relevant and unique content time to time then Google will get down your blog in search engine that will gradually decrease the traffic of visitors on your blog.

II. Next Second way is to put your blog online is get your own hosting. If you have enough money to purchase your own hosting then it is better than all other ways. But for it you need to pay monthly annually charges for your own hosting. You can post many other blogs on your hosting when you want to post. You can follow the steps to increase ranking of your blog and traffic on your blogs.

3. Creating Effective Content:

If you are using the free hosting services to post your blog like and Google blogger then you need to follow their steps and procedure to customize your blog. But if you are using your own hosting services then you should be known about website designing or you should have experienced web designer so that you can make changes in your blog according to the Google algorithms that changes time to time so that Google can index your blog and your blog get ranked.

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      • You should have unique content in your blog with unique title. Always try to write your blog in your own wording instead of copying and pasting your content from the other sites. Traffic of your blog can be increase if you are using the content which was not already available on Google.
      • Try to update your content with time to time requirements. You need to reply back all the comments of the viewers of your blog. If you are using your own hosting then try to update your new blog once in a week.

4. Marketing of Blog:

To get more traffic on your blog you need to perform marketing task of SEO, SEM and SMO. You need to choose the main keywords from your blog that you think user can search in Google. You need to use the keywords in your blog according to the keyword density rule of Google. Choosing the appropriate keywords will increase the ranking and traffic of your website. You can use keyword research tool to check the estimated time for the keywords.
You can post your blog on social media profiles like facebook, twitter, plurk etc. it will increase the visitors of your blog as well as ranking of your website.

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Market your blog by using paid advertising company. Pay to add your blog stumble upon, OR use Google AdSense, if you really want to invest your time and money for your blog.

5. Monetizing your Blog:

As the number of user’s increases traffic will increase so should post links of your blog on social media profiles to attract more users. Once your blog contains high quality content and has started to gain audience you can earn money using Google AdSense, WordAds and any other contextual ad services. Try to post add that are related to your website’s content because more user who click to your ads shown on your site, the money advertisers will pay you. Try to write your own content and recommend the products that you have actually used and purchased. Be honest while you are reviewing on a product and mention the pros and cons of the product in review.

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Hence, If you are following all the above ways to make your own blog then within short time period you will definitely be an earning person online.