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Now these days Facebook is starting to drive more traffic to digital media websites than Google. Facebook rising slowly and steadily since 2012, Facebook has wined more referral traffic market share from Google. Facebook drives one fourth of all referral traffic.

Facebook, the Inescapable leader in social referral traffic, drives nearly 25% of the web traffic, according to a report. Facebook sends more traffic than any other social networking website.

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Second-place is of Pinterest that shares 5.06%, near about five times less than Facebook. The above six social platforms are:

  • Twitter
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn
  • Google+
  • YouTube

All had combined total of less than 2%. There are 3.2 billion likes and comments are daily posts on a Facebook.

Methods of getting website referral traffic from Facebook:

    • Attractive Profile: Firstly, you have to make your profile very attractive, by which the visitors must visit your website after viewing your profile. Don’t make your profile blank. Always complete your profile.
    • Attractive Logo and Cover: The logo on your web page should be eye-catching that will directly attract the audience to click on your logo. Choose the right colors for your logo, which attracts the users.

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    • Increase the Frequency of your Posting: You always have to be active in the social world. You need to post frequently on your page in order to reach to the maximum audience. This will increase your website traffic and make people more aware of your brand.
    • Add like button: The number one way to get website traffic from Facebook is to put a “like” button on your website content, for the long run. You can add Facebook’s “like” button to your content by generating code through the Facebook developer site and if you use WordPress, you can choose a variety of plugins that add like buttons to your content.For generating code you have to type and then add url of your landing page.

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    • Add Popups of Facebook Share to Your Content: If you are having a big event coming up, you can share it to drive your group and their friends to a landing page and make them aware about that event.

You can do this strategically and very easily by sharing links.

These are the steps for sharing link:

Type the following link in a text document:

Now enter website URL or landing page where you want to add a share button then after “?u=“

For example:

This will create a news feed post (as shown below).

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Embed this URL into text or image

Test by yourself and share it.

    • Add Facebook Comment Options to your Website Content: There is also another way by which you can drive more traffic to your website by adding Facebook commenting options on webpages of your website. Similarly as “like” button, comment option is also very easy.
      If you want to add Facebook comments’ option, then just open then go to the comments.

Now choose comments plugin Configurator

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By this you can add Facebook comments options on your website.

These are a few methods by which you can get website referral traffic from Facebook. Without any doubt, Facebook has now become the largest social media network. If your customers are using or surfing the internet then a majority of them are likely to have Facebook pages or accounts.