Online Marketing Expert

A paid ad is sometimes the best bet for driving new traffic to your website, no matter how many free tools crop up for eCommerce companies. You need to know how to build a campaign through Google’s AdWords product and how to stand out from the crowd.

Get an AdWords Account:

Before you can do something, you’ll require visiting the AdWords site & sign up for an AdWords account. This involves some financial information so that Google can get paid for each click, so be ready with all your banking credentials.


Select the type of Campaign:

Search Network only is the most suggested option to start with, but you can change this as you learn & grow. Next, you should give your campaign a name so you can track your results. Starting with a naming system that you’ll keep using is a good idea, so that you don’t get confused somewhere down the line.

Designate Geographic Area:

It’s a good idea to consider where, closely, the majority of your audience lives. If you don’t know, then you must consider your buyer personas first. If the bulk of your customers live in the Northeast then why spend money advertising to people in the Midwest?

If your eCommerce company serves international buyers, you can also reach other countries. If you’re not careful, you might pay a lot of money for visitors who can’t make a purchase

Set Your Budget:

Setting your budget is a pretty important step. You can manually set the bids for clicks, which gives you more control. This means your ads will stop showing once your budget is spent. That is, you won’t end up with a shocker of a bill later.
You can go back once you have the hang of everything, and change your settings to automatic or maybe even apply for a Google credit line.

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Write Your Ad:

This is the most important facet of AdWords education. The copy you use is what will persuade potential buyers to click. You want to attract plenty of people, and want those people to buy. Start with a great headline that uses search terms to reach your niche. For this you only get 25 characters, so make every last one of them count. You might even need shorter synonyms or you can search for abbreviations.
Then you get 35 characters for the second and third lines. You should use this space to point on benefits. Then on the third line you can make the most of on the feature. Be ready to change these if you notice your ad isn’t gaining a lot of attraction.

Add Your Display URL:

It’s important to become aware of the difference between the URLs you’ll use in your ad. The display URL is the one that you want people to remember. This is what you want to display. It’s the home page to your site, the address people will type in if they visit without finding you through an ad first.

Add Your Keywords:

Take some time to think of the keywords that will reach people who are ready to buy. For example, you can use keywords such as “red leather skirt.” in “comfort skits” place in your PPC ad, by doing so you can catch those who have a particular skirt in mind, but you may miss out on people who are looking for shoes of all types. If your ad leads to a landing page with red leather skirt, they’ll be more likely to make a purchase, & that will more than pay for their click.

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You can save a lot of money on your clicks by using negative keywords. These will tell AdWords what you don’t want your ad to show up for.

Bid on Your Clicks:

Lastly, you’ll need to tell Google how much you want to pay out on your clicks. Remember that you’re bidding on visibility here. Those who are willing to pay more for clicks will show up more frequently in the searches. You have to spend money to make money, particularly in the pay-per-click game. You can go all out for clicks until your cash runs out & just replenish your budget when you’re ready to go again, as long as you’re manually controlling your budget.


Double Check Your Double Check:

Before you set your ad in motion, it’s always a good idea to check over everything one more time. Did you make sure to manually control the budget? You could end up broke tomorrow if you didn’t.
You’ll also want to A/B test your results often, beyond setting everything up correctly. Change headlines, focus on different benefits, introduce new features — and then take note of the number of conversions. There is always a way to make your ad perform better.